

姓  名:顏碧霞
職  稱:副教授
  期刊論文(*為corresponding author)
  • C.-A. Y, P.-H. Yen* and J.-C. Wang (2023), Cooling Performance Analysis for Mobile Vehicles by Thermal Resistance Network, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 31, 566-573. (SSCI. IF: 0.462)
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and L.-C. Lee (2019), Political connection and stock returns: Evidence from party alternation in Taiwan, International Review of Economics and Finance, 63, 128-137. (SSCI, IF: 1.818)
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen*, Q.-L. Cao, B-Z. Yang (2019), Venture Capital Cooperation Motivation in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecology—An Empirical Analysis Based on Complex Network and Decision Tree Mining, Proceeding of 2019 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics, ICCCBDA 2019. (EI)
  • P.-H. Yen* (2019), New Investment Strategy Based on Big Data-Volatility Index Breaking Out Signal Rule, Proceeding of 2019 International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks, ICICN 2019. (EI)
  • P.-H. Yen* and J.-C. Wang (2019), Power Generation and Electric Charge Density with Temperature Effect of Alumina Nanofluids using Intelligent Dimensional Analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, 186, 546-555. (SCI, IF: 8.208)
  • P.-H. Yen* (2019), Coexistence of Disposition Effect and House Money Effect, Proceeding of 2019 International Conference on Information Science and System, ICISS 2019. (EI)
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and Johnny Chan (2014), "Investor Sentiment and Investment Behavior in the Chinese Mutual Fund Market," The Chinese Economy, 47, 38–52. (Econlit)
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and Johnny Chan (2013), "Market States and Disposition Effect: Evidence from Taiwan Mutual Fund Investors," Applied Economics, 45, 1331–1342. (SSCI, 2017 IF: 1.103) 
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and C.-T. Kuo (2011), "Market States and Initial Returns: Evidence from Taiwan IPOs," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47, 2, 6-20 (SSCI, 2017 IF: 1.214) 
  • 李建興、沈中華與顏碧霞 (2010),「基金風險狀態與投資人之處分效果:追蹤門檻模型的應用」,管理學報,第二十七卷,第五期,頁數: 459-477。(TSSCI)
  • 李建興、沈中華與顏碧霞 (2010),「從眾贖回與非從眾贖回下基金投資人處分效果之探討:分量迴歸最小平方虛擬變數法」,管理與系統,第十七卷,第一期,頁數: 1-26。(TSSCI)
  • J.-S. Lee, M.-F. Hsieh and P.-H. Yen* (2009), “The Determinants of IPO Initial Returns for Chinese A-shares: An Application of Quantile Regression,” Journal of Statistics and Management System. (EI)
  • P.-H. Yen* (2016), The Information Platform Building for Marine Logistics in Taiwan”, 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Environment and Information Engineering (SEEIE2016), Bangkok, Thailand, March 20-21, 2016.
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and C.-T. Kuo (2009), Market States and Initial Returns: Evidence from Taiwan IPOs, 2009 International Symposium on Finance and Accounting (ISFA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 6-8, 2009.
  • J.-S. Lee, C.-H. Shen, and P.-H. Yen* (2008), The Study of the Fund Investors' Disposition Effect vis-à-vis Herding Redemption and Non-Herding Redemption: Evidence from Quantile Regression Least Square Dummy Variable Estimator, Third International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), Seoul, Korea, December 6, 2008.
  • J.-S. Lee and P.-H. Yen* (2008), The Determinants of IPO Initial Returns for Chinese A-shares: An Application of Quantile Regression, Asia Academy of Management Sixth Conference (AAOM) Taipei, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2008.
  • J.-S. Lee, P.-H. Yen* and Y.-J. Chen, (2008), Longer tenure, longer seniority or both? 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, California, U.S, August 8-13, 2008.
  • J.-S. Lee, C.-H. Shen, and P.-H. Yen* (2007), Fund Investors’ Behavioral Preferences vis-à-vis Purchase and Redemption Herding – A Quantile Regression Analysis, 2007 AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference (AIBSA), Hangzhou, China, December 6-8, 2007.
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  • 雲頂投資股份有限公司行銷企劃,主持人,2023.08-2024.07,雲頂投資股份有限公司,計畫經費300,000元。
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  • 選才專案辦公室計畫,主持人,2020.01.01-2023.01.31,教育部,計畫總金額2,500,000元。
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  • 金控公司整體經營績效評比,協同主持人,2019.01-2019.06 台灣金融管理學會,計畫經費450,000元。
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  • 高雄發展新興金融業務可行性分析,協同主持人,2014.02-2014.06,高雄市政府經濟發展局,計畫經費550,000元。
  • 加工出口區管理費收費機制檢討及創新,協同主持人,2013.02-2013.05,經濟部加工出口區管理處,計畫經費200,000元。
  • 墾丁國家公園財務創新與跨域價值共創整體規劃之研究,協同主持人,2012.04-2012.08,墾丁國家公園管理處,計畫經費500,000元。
  • 都市更新基金財源籌措推動機制之研究,主持人,2012.01-2012.12,禾拓規劃設計顧問有限公司,計畫經費100,000元。
  • 臺灣上市公司重大訊息揭露現況與精進之探討,協同主持人,2011.08-2012.02,臺灣證券交易所,計畫經費350,000元。
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