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姓 名:蔡淵輝
職 稱:副教授
研究室位置:綜合教學大樓 B1 E04-1
- (accepted). Modeling the relationship between perceived corporate citizenship and organizational commitment considering organizational trust as a moderator. Business Ethics: A European Review, 22(2), 218-233. (SSCI)
- (accepted). Group social capital in virtual teaming contexts: A moderating role of positive affective tone in knowledge sharing. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- (accepted). Modeling job pursuit intention: moderating mechanisms of socio-environmental consciousness. Journal of Business Ethics. (SSCI)
- (2013). Modeling technological innovation performance and its determinants: An aspect of buyer-seller social capital. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(6), 1211-1221. (SSCI)
- (2013). “Modeling IT Product Recall Intention Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action and Information Asymmetry: A Qualitative Aspect,” Quality & Quantity. (SSCI)
- (2013). “Proposing Public Announcement Intention and Its Antecedents From a CSR Perspective: A Qualitative Study,” Quality & Quantity. (SSCI)
- (2012). “Modeling the Relationship Among Perceived Corporate Citizenship, Firms’ Attractiveness, and Career Success Expectation,” Journal of Business Ethics. (SSCI)
- (2011). “Modeling IT Relationship Quality and Its Determinants: A Potential Perspective of Network Externalities in E-Service,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(1), 171-184. (SSCI)
- (2010). “Perceived Job Effectiveness in Coopetition: A Survey of Virtual Teams Within Business Organization,” Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1598-1606. (SSCI)
- (2010). “Learning Cyber Trust Using a Triadic Functioning Analysis: A Qualitative Approach,” Quality & Quantity, 44(6), 1165-1174. (SSCI)
- (2010). “Modeling Corporate Citizenship and Its Relationship with Organizational Citizenship Behaviors,” Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 357-372. (SSCI)
- (2010). “Assessing Online Learning Ability from a Social Exchange Perspective: A Survey of Virtual Teams Within Business Organizations,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(9), 849-867. (SSCI)
- (2009). “Understanding Learning Behavior Using Location and Prior Performance as Moderators,” Social Science Journal, 46(4), 787-799. (SSCI)
- (2009). “Modeling Customer Loyalty from an Integrative Perspective of Self-Determination Theory and Expectation-Confirmation Theory,” Journal of Business and Psychology, 24(3), 315-326. (SSCI)
- (2008). “Modeling Educational Quality and Student Loyalty: A Quantitative Approach Based on the Theory of Information Cascades,” Quality & Quantity, 42(3), 397-415. (SSCI)
- (2008). “Modeling Relationship Quality and Consumer Loyalty in Virtual Communities,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(5), 1-4. (SSCI)
- (2006),「八卦因果鏈條與五行生剋加權迴歸」,新儒學經營管理學報,第三輯,p.207-304頁,2006年12月。
- (2006),「聯合分配密度函數設定在財務比例期望值應用上之影響」,會計與公司治理期刊,第3卷,第2期,2006年12月。
- (2006),「聯合分配密度函數設定在會計變數相關分析上之影響」,中華管理學報,第7卷,第1期,p.73-96,2006。
- (2006),「用經營指標解釋勞雇雙方的行為模式-以運具精密業為例」,新儒學經營管理學報,第二輯,p.173-256,2006年6月。
- (2005),Modeling Turnover Intentions and Their Antecedents Using the Locus of Control as a Moderator: A Case of Customer Service Employees,Human Resource Development Quarterly(ABI),16,p.481-499,2005。
- (2005),「新儒學決策結構之二-五行系統論」,亞太社會科技學報,4卷,第2期,P.25-56,2005。
- (2004),「新儒學決策結構之一-陰陽系統論」,亞太社會科技學報,3卷,第2期,P.39-63,2004。
- (2004),「義與利的定性觀與其和製造績效的關係-新儒學在運具精密業之應用」,交大管理學報(TSSCI),24卷,第1期,P.53-79,2004。
- Tsai,Y.H.(2005),"Another Aspect of the Neo-Confucian Structure in Decision Making─The Wu-Hsing System Theory," The Proceedings of International Society for Chinese Philosophy Conference 2005, TheUniversity Of New South Wales.
- 張森河、陳相如、蔡淵輝(2005)「聯合分配密度函數設定在會計變數相關分析上之影響」,2005年華人競爭圈企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會論文集,中華大學。
- Chiu, C. K. Hung, W. T., Shang, J. K., Lin, C. P. and Tsai, Y. H. (2007), "Proposing Relationship Quality, Online Purchase Intention and Their Antecedents in E-Tourism," The Proceedings of CAUTHE 2007 Conference, The University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
- 蔡淵輝...等(2008)「社會責任投資基金績效分析」,2008投資與管理研討會,致理技術學院。
- Tsai, Y. H., Lin, C. P. and Chiu, C. K. (2008), "Modeling the Mediating Role of Online Social Capital in Social Support and Service IT Usage," Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE APSCC 2008 Conference, IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing, Ilan, Taiwan.(EI)
- 蔡淵輝(2006),以經營指標解釋勞雇雙方的行為模式-新儒學系統論的應用及以1996年工商普查運具精密業抽樣調查檔為例,交通大學博士論文。
- 蔡淵輝(2006),投資專業實務書籍行銷策略分析,產學計畫計畫主持人,2006/10月~2007/09月,寰宇出版股份有限公司。
- 蔡淵輝(2007),教材書籍e化之實務研究,產學計畫計畫主持人,2007/6/1~2007/7/20,台灣東華書局股份有限公司。
- 蔡淵輝(2007),致理技術學院營業員養成計畫,產學計畫計畫主持人,2007/6/1~2008/5/30,大昌證券股份有限公司。
- 蔡淵輝(2007),理財規劃人員學程,理財規劃人員學程共同(協同)主持人,2007/8/1~2008/7/3,勞委會職訓局。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),97學年理財規劃人員學程計畫,產學計畫計畫主持人 2008/6/6~2009/6/30,行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),96年金管會第二次補助各大專院校辦理金融知識普及活動,產學計畫共同(協同)主持人,2008/3/1~2008/5/31,行政院金融監督管理委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),學習服務期望與績效:一種自我決定動機的組織觀點,產學計畫計畫主持人,2008/8/1~2009/7/31,行政院國家科學委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),服務業研究發展輔導計畫,社會責任投資研究及推廣顧問,國科會。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),營業員養成研究計畫,產學計畫 共同(協同)主持人,2008/3/1~2008/12/31,大昌證券股份有限公司。
- 蔡淵輝(2008),97年金管會第一次補助各大專院校辦理金融知識普及活動,產學計畫計畫主持人,2008/6/27~2008/11/30,行政院金融監督管理委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),96年金管會第二次補助各大專院校辦理金融知識普及活動,2008/3/1~2008/5/31,行政院金融監督管理委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),金管會─企業永續發展研討暨座談會,2009/9/1~2009/12/1,行政院金融監督管理委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),金管會─第二屆股王股后擂台戰,2009/9/1~2009/12/1,行政院金融監督管理委員會。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),98就業學程-致理技術學院-理財與風險管理人員學程,2009/8/1~2010/6/30,勞委員。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),北區技專校院教學資源中心之分項計畫「3-11北區金融知識學習虛擬中心之建置與推廣」,2009/6/1~2009/12/31,國立台北科技大學(北區技專校院教學資源中心)。
- 蔡淵輝(2009),國科會─建構企業組織之資訊科技關係品質與決定因素:一個線上服務之網路外部性特點,2009/8/1~2010/7/31,國科會。